Municipality of Athienou

What is Municipality of Athienou?

The Municipality of Athienou has 6.500 inhabitants and as local authority has competences in areas like local development, social affairs or environment. The Municipality is managing the Municipal Board of Youth, operating with an approval of the Youth Board of Cyprus.
The organisation focuses on local youth and it takes many actions to provide them with knowledge and skills suitable for the labour market. The Municipal Board of Youth organises lectures concerning various topics related to youth (active participation, employment, solidarity, integration, etc.). Moreover, they are used to organising festivals and public events for young citizens in order to involve them in the civic life. The municipality is partner in the project GJGA (Growing Job Group Approach). The aim of the project is to bridge the gap between education and labour market, proposing internships and opportunities. Young participants are equipped with sound knowledge and encouraged to enter in the labour market.

The Municipality is involved in many youth activities, the administrators are very aware about youth issues, European youth policies and the importance of active citizenship. The Municipal Board of Youth will play an important role in the coordination of the project activities, providing useful insights concerning their implementation. It will foster youth participation in the project, thanks to its network with local schools and youth organisations. This network will be a precious channel for the dissemination of best practices and the promotion of the project initiatives. The Municipality of Athienou will be the host and the organiser of the fourth international project event, and will guarantee the participation of local young citizens to all the project events. Finally, it is committed to actively contribute in the project dissemination activities as, for example, the realisation of videos recording participants’ interviews and opinions, that will be uploaded in the social media.

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