Event 4: NOTO (Italy)

Participation: The event involved  46citizens, including  3  participants fromthe city ofAltea (Spain), 2 participants from the city of Warsaw (Poland), 31 participants from the city of Noto(Italy), 2 participants from the city of Athienou (Cyprus), 2 participants from the city of  Brussels (Belgium), 2 participants from the city of Ljubljana (Slovenia), 2 participants from the city of Sofia (Bulgaria) and 2 participants from the city  Agia (Greece).

Location / Dates: The event took place in Noto (Italy), from  11/06/2019  to 12/06/2019
Short description:  Facing the Eu Challenges

11 th JUNE

The first day was divided in two moments. The morning was partly dedicated to discussing the project development by reviewing the Project dissemination outputs and comparing ideas and suggestions coming from each representative, included the new partner from Greece, Municipality of Agia. Following this, all the project members took place to the Creative Lab “My wishes”, consisting on expressing wishes about positive solutions to the EU challenges and choosing the most suitable for a future declaration through voting. On the other hand, unfortunately, serious family reasons did not allow Dr. Sergio Campanella to hold the scheduled workshop on “How are Local Communities facing the EU challenges”.

In the afternoon, all the Yourope members attended the conference on “How is Europe facing the EU challenges?” held by Dr. Davide C. Crimi, independent researcher and past Europe Direct Catania manager. Emanuele Scieri, representative of Municipality of Noto as a project animator, and Alberto Lorente, representative of Municipality of Altea and main coordinator of the Project, were the conference moderators. Four major theme were discussed: 1) the threat of Nationalism, 2) Political and Economic inequality, 3) Democratic deficit, 4) Immigration and refugees. The discussion was actively participated by the attendants through questions from the audience.

12 th JUNE

In the morning of the second day the participants held an approximately two-hour debate on the results of the EU elections and future EU challenges (Agenda 2030). This was followed by another two-hour discussion aiming to laying the foundation for an official Project declaration. The necessary steps were clearly explained to the project members by the main coordinator of the Project Alberto Lorente. Following this, important suggestions about how to proceed in the declaration realisation were added by Juan Manuel Revuelta, Director General of Finnova Foundation and representative of Bruxells. Among the point of the declaration, the wished concerning positive solutions to solve the EU problems were taken into account.

The afternoon was spent by all the project members in going sightseeing around Noto city centre though a guided tour of the city. The last activity was the air creative work “Yourope by salt”, which involved all the participants in the realisation of a salt drawing of the Project Logo for a public exposition.

Conclusions and evaluations about the meeting in Noto and suggestions on how to move forward in the project implementation also took part at the end of the meeting.